Sharing mentoring a new Debian contributor experience, lots of fun

I recently did mentoring a new Debian contributor. This is carried out in a framework with OSS Gate on-boarding.

In "OSS Gate on-boarding", recruit a new contributor who want to work on continuously. Then, corporation sponsor its employee as a mentor. Thus, employees can do it as a one of their job.

During Aug - Oct period, I worked with a new debian contributor every 2h in a week. This experience is lots of fun, and learned a new things for me.

The most important point is: a new Debian contributor aimed to do their work continuously even though mentoring period has finished.

So, some of the work has been finished, but not for all. I tried to transfer knowledge for it.

I'm looking forward that he makes things forward in consultation with other person's help.

Here is the report about my activity as a mentor.

First OSS Gate onboarding (The article is written by Japanese)

The original blog entry is written by Japanese, I don't afford to translate it, so just paste link to google translate for your hints

I hope someone can do a similar attempt too!

For the record, I worked with a new Debian contributor about: