Entries from 2021-04-01 to 1 month

Grow your ideas for Debian Project

There may be some "If it could be ..." ideas for Debian Project. If idea is concreate and worth to make things forward, it should make a proposal for Project Funding. salsa.debian.org But it is a just an idea, or no afford to act as an exe…

My Free Software Activities in March 2021

先月はfabre.d.nをIPv6対応したくらいか。後半に失速。 3/2 https://salsa.debian.org/debian/zeal/-/merge_requests/1 zealから不要なlibappindicator-devへの依存を削除 3/2 https://salsa.debian.org/debian/dbus-test-runner/-/merge_requests/2 dbus-te…