Introduction about recent debexpo (

I've make a presentation about "How to hack debexpo (" at Tokyo Debian (local Debian meeting) 21, November 2020.

Here is the agenda about presentation.

  • What is
  • How to setup debexpo development environment
  • One example to hack debexpo (Showing "In Debian" flag)

The presentation slide is published at Rabbit Slide Show (Written in Japanese)

I hope that more people will be involved to hack debexpo!

debexpo: adding "Already in Debian" field for packages list

I've sent a merge request to show "Already in Debian" column in packages list on

At first, I've used Emoji, but for consistency, it has been modified to use "Yes or No".

This feature is not fully merged yet, but it may be useful to distinguish "This package is already in Debian or not" for sponsor.

Aready in Debian

My Free Software Activities in October 2020

lltsv 0.6.1-2: applied background color patch for readability

Original version of lltsv doesn't specify background color, so it is hard to recognize texts in dark background.

I've fixed this issue by specifying background color explicitly.

Here is the screenshot of fixed version. Yay!


This issue was already forwarded as PR

My Free Software Activities in September 2020

月に一度くらいどんな活動をしたかをまとめてみることにした。 思い立ったのが、月末近くだったのでそれほど多くはない。


Debian Developerになりました

9/24日付でDebian Developerになりました。 新米DDとしては、バグを直したりする普段の活動を仕組みの面で改善できたりしないかという観点で、いい感じにする活動をしていきたいと考えています。 あとDDとしてこれどうやるんだろ?と疑問に思ったことなんかはまとめておきたい。

dnsZoneEntry: field should be removed when DD is retired

It is known that Debian Developer can setup *

When Debian Developer had retired, actual DNS entry is removed, but dnsZoneEntry: field is kept on LDAP (

So you can not reuse * if retired Debian Developer owns your prefered subdomain already.

I've posted question about this current undocumented specification.